The Species Known & Other Beings  
Martyn Myer Arena,  2021

Three-channel colour projection, Keaton Fly, after Gordon detail, installation view, Melbourne. Photo: ALEC.

In the lecture-performance Distilled Dissonance: the species known & other beings I surface the discontent experienced from using once living beings—moths and flies—as material for art making. Within the lecture I unpack the theory “cross-dissonance” to describe intrapersonal arts research conflicts and to address the following question: how can using insects in artwork be harnessed to surface ethical grey areas? In the performance I reimagine and analyse my own lecture content by layering artworks apprehended in mid-development.

The species known & other beings, 2021, detail of Žižek from the perspective of the fly, installation view, Martyn Myer Arena.  

November, 2021