Your unfortunate, yet obedient wife: the capturing of Lady Grange Cable knit porcelain, water-based acrylic, fountain pen ink, gold leaf, gum adhesive
This work is inspired by links between names and histories, and centres around the tale of Lady Grange, from which the city of St Kilda derives its name. After threatening to publicise Lord Grange’s involvement with the Jacobite uprising, Lady Grange was imprisoned by her husband on the St Kilda archipelago, Scotland. The only means of communication was a self-made carrier vessel and buoy, known as the St Kilda mailboat. Most of these vessels disappeared without trace. The title of this collection of objects is derived from a letter penned by Lady Grange during her captivity. In this work, the objects are identifiers that signify a time and place. Different Celtic clans had unique cable patterns—seeing their knitwear denote a region and lineage. This collection is about putting symbols out into the world and not knowing if they will be received, recognised or responded to.